Thanks for your interest

Giving yourself the gift of retreat is a valuable investment in personal growth and well-being. The unique and immersive experiences help you develop new skills, insights, and perspectives, as well as build new connections and relationships with like-minded people who may become lifelong friends.

If you’re feeling called to retreat, fill out the survey on the right. It just takes one person to show interest to start the ball rolling. We only need 12 people like you to organize a retreat.

Express Your Interest

Tell us what type of retreat you'd like to attend and then let's work together to schedule one for you.

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Immersive Experiences

From plant medicine to traditional Native American ceremonies to ecstatic dance and much more.

Group Activities

Psychodynamic exercises, meditation, yoga, breath work, trauma work, story rescripting, lucid dreaming, and more.

Therapeutic Potential

Intimate expert guidance to help you process your emotions so you can gain insights and change.

Make Lifelong Friends

Retreats offer the opportunity to open your heart. Open-hearted people create lifelong friendships.